Thursday, October 1, 2009

First of all, why start this blog?

Well, as you probably guessed I am going to participate in the first Brighton Marathon. It will be on the 18th of April 2010 which is not any time soon but in half a year.
But, why torture readers with a blog now? Well, as it is quite a long distance to run, I do need to start my training soon:s!!
As I talked to other people who already participated in marathons about training methods, they told me that to write down my training sessions, along with how long, how fast and where I did run would be most helpful. But, what would be most  important is that I should write down my feelings and sensations I had while training. Rereading the records helps understanding progress or stagnation and helps avoiding mistakes.

I choose to have a fixed training schedule in order to feel confident in my preparation and as a marathon is pretty serious I choose a long 24 weeks based program. (If anyone is intrested, this is the book is German but as it is a Runnersworld one, I guess it does exist in English as well! 

I hope you do enjoy my blog and how I feel about confronting  the training! If there is anyone out out there with hints and tricks for training, please let me know!


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